Thursday, January 1, 2015

Release  to set free; to liberate
source: The American Century Dictionary

It's my "word" for 2015.

So what am I releasing or going to work on releasing:
  •  being a people pleaser.
  •  crazy expectations
  •  control, anger and anxiety
  •  physical stuff both what's within my body and what's around me environmentally

Release is letting go and not wanting it back.  I want freedom from the chains that have enslaved me a lot longer than I care to think about. 

It's so easy to get swept away into the abyss of perfection in the present digital age we live in.  All I have to do is sign into Pinterest or Facebook or read one of the blogs that I follow and I am transported to picture perfect life.  But you know's really not like that because behind every great picture is 75 more that are out of focus, have a thumb in the view finder or show the mess of creating that perfect image peaking from the lower left hand corner. 

Being wondrously flawed is being aware of the fact I am flawed.  I don't have crazy mad tech skills or a tricked out Nikon camera or a degree in English.  My demographic is white, married, moderate, Christian,  middle aged morbidly obese mother of an 8 yr old daughter and wife to a disabled Vet.   

I am also so much more than that demographic starting with the absolute truth that I forgiven and a child of God.   Hallelujah!

So what can you expect if you follow along?  Me, in all my glorious and not so glorious messiness-  just Jenni being Jenni.  I may have posts that have run on sentences or the margins don't line up. I might have swear words in my posts. <gasp>  I might not post every day or every week.  There may not be beautiful images included in every blog post-it's mine so I can do as little or as much as I want.  See, already releasing myself from an expectation.

I have this gloriously luxuriant stretch of a 4 day holiday weekend laid out in front of me...oh the possibilities.....

I think I am going to click "publish" and set up my new Fitbit I got for Christmas, learn about growing a winter garden of kale and begin reading a new book. 

What are you releasing this year?  What are your plans for the holiday weekend?