Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hi and welcome to the inaugural post of my new blog!

I'm Jenni, a wondrously flawed child of God or as some have probably said under their breath, a real piece of work.  Either way....I'll own it.  I wanted this to be something that is genuine, life is just too short to be something you aren't.  I also couldn't come up with something super cute and clever to name the blog, things like "Never-ending Loads of Laundry & Dishes" didn't seem very fun to read or write about.
I have wanted to have a blog for a long time and it's been on my list of 2013 goals to create.  Tonight seemed a perfect night to begin.  We had Chinese take-out for dinner and my fortune cookie said: 

"Many opportunities are open to you, seek them out."

Sounds like a great place to start! 

I have some general ideas about what I want to this to blog to be about:
  • I want to share stories and  pictures from my life that are funny, sweet or ironic. 
  • I want to share my on-going quest to get my house to a state of clean all at the same time for at least 12.5 seconds (warning this is going to be a very long journey). 
  • I want to share neat things I come across from other websites and blogs I read. 
  • I also want to share a tip, a recipe or a product I love from my business of selling Pampered Chef.
I warn you, I don't know the first thing about blogging, I don't have a mega dollar camera or photography skills or a PhotoShop program and I have next to zero clever craft skills so this is going to look pretty amateur.  I'm excited to learn as I go along, have an outlet for my writing and make a few friends along the way. 
Whoever you are, glad you are along for the ride!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl sounds like a wonderful life full of fun. I Love You
